I am a full-time Momma to a very active 3-year-old boy, D-Man and am expecting another boy in May 2010. I am also married to my best friend in the world, Ryno. I live in the Seattle area and love most everything about it but the high home prices, horrible traffic and long distance to my family.
I grew up in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and moved to Washington when I was 22, I married my high school sweetheart when I was 25 and had a son when I was 29. Sometimes I miss the hot summers and snow in the winter that I knew growing up, but most of the time I am happy right where I am.
China Travels March 2017 (Part I – Shanghai)
China: March 2017 (Part I – Shanghai) I went into the first leg of this
journey having a few preconceived notions about China. Here’s what I
expected: eve...
uTorrent- program, dzięki któremu pobieranie filmów staje się łatwiejsze.
Dzięki uTorrent można pobierać pliki takie jak właśnie filmy, muzyka czy
gry w ...
Light and Unicorns in the Gardens
Capturing a shot like this is like spotting a unicorn. Light is
everything!!!!!! The meaning of photography is 'painting with light'...and
the sun was just...
Lies I Constantly Tell Myself
I have time to curl my hair.
I don’t need lipstick.
I can have regular coffee.
I can fit into those size 6 jeans.
I’ll go to the grocery store tomorrow.
It's 2015!
It's been months...and months. I know. I know. I'm so sorry.
I want to try better.... I vow to try better.... But, don't hold me to
Columbia Plateau Trail, Amber Lake to Martin Road
*Sunday, March 31st, 2013*
*11:00 AM*
Left the homestead in Post Falls. Amber Lake is just a short drive south of
Cheney, and you drive through the Turnbul...
The Banana That Wouldn't Back Down.
I knew when he was only little that my son was going to be a bit on the
stubborn side. Kind of like me, actually. Determined, wanting to be right,
and irre...
Next meeting: April 6!
Huge thanks to Kelley for getting the NPBC ball rolling again and letting
us meet at her house yesterday to finally discuss *Hotel on the Corner of
Bitter ...
To Blog, or Not to Blog?
I really want to blog, but I feel like I can't blog until I get photos
uploaded and I can't do that until I get a memory card adapter for our
camera cause ...
I've been away for a while. I start school tomorrow at Western and I hope
to post a little something about my adventures and catch up on all my
friend's jo...
Your Mom Doesn't Throw Like a Girl
I think I'm the same age in this picture as you are now, T Junior. I wonder
if you'll look at your baby pictures when you are in your 30s and think *Why
Getting My Sexy Back
I love this YouTube video - who doesn't want to look like Angelina?!
Although I don't wear that much make-up it looks great. If I find the
time (and o...
In the slumber-sighing night room, I listen with breath held and motions
stilled for the certain sounds of my children breathing.
The glow-in-the-dark sta...