Well, my long journey of pregnancy is finally over. It finally ended three days past my due date. It is really so disappointing when you see your due date come and go and all you have to show for it is still not being able to see your toes.My labor began around 8 am on Tuesday, May 18 and Finn was finally born at 3:57 am on Wednesday, May 19 via c-section. So 20 hours later my new baby boy was here. Yay! Finn Michael was 9 pounds, 3 ounces and 21 inches long, (no wonder he didn't want to come out any other way than being cut out of me.) He was a big boy, seems to be a theme with me, big boys that don't want to come out. D-Man was 8 pounds, 10 ounces and was also delivered c-section (probably due to the size of his head.)Now we are home and trying to recover and get to know each other and develop a new routine. It is challenging but so worth it.
I wasn't trying to get pregnant, but I wasn't totally opposed to the idea either. I didn't really think this was the right time with the economy as it is and us only have a two bedroom, one bathroom house. But, somhow I got pregnant anyway. My husband said it was my body making the decisions with no regard to what my mind said. Maybe this is somewhat true. I know I wanted my son to have a sibling and I really wanted to have a baby girl. This is something I always thought I would have. I never gave much thought in all the daydreaming years about being the mother of boy. But, my first child is a boy. The truth is that it is great and I wouldn't want to change him for anything. But, I thought the second time around ... maybe just maybe, a girl? Nope, another boy. At first, I have to admit I was disappointed, which is something I will never ever tell him. I think I just really thought I had a shot at a girl. So I gave myself one day to be sad and feel sorry for myself, then told myself to quit it. This baby may be a boy but he is still MY baby and I will love him no matter what. Now I have adapted to the idea of having two sons and a husband. I think it will be great and I am really truly excited! Why be sad over something you never had and maybe were never meant to have. I know how to be a good mother to a boy, so that is a plus and he will have lots of hand-me-downs and he will have the most awesome big brother in all the land. Having two boys will be a wild ride but I am so excited for it. Now I just need to work on getting a bigger house in a better school district.
I haven't blogged since summer. It is not that I haven't thought about it. I just kept thinking how will I compile all I have done since summer into a blog to catch up. It just seemed so daunting. I guess this is my attempt. I will have to leave some stuff out or perhaps just make a list.
late July - D-Man celebrated his third birthday with a party at our house. It was extremely hot and everyone lounged in Duncan's kiddie pool. Thanks Carly.
late July, early August - traveled in Coeur d'Alene, where it was actually more comfortable temperature wise. Saw my sister play Ruby in "Dames at Sea." Found out my Dad had to have quadruple bypass heart surgery. Stayed around a bit longer than I wanted to so I could see him through that. Came home for a week then went back to visit/check in on him. He was doing as well as expected.
early to mid August - planned a trip with my mom to NYC to visit Darcy and Tralen in September. Yay!!
September 8 - took a home pregnancy test. It was positive.
September 12-16 - Went to NYC for a vacation.
September 17 - D-Man's first day of preschool. So exciting. He was not nervous at all.
October 7 - first OB appointment and ultrasound. Saw my little jelly bean sized baby for the first time, made it all real.
October 8 - field trip to the pumpkin patch with D's preschool class.
Thanksgiving - traveled to Idaho to spend time with family and eat lots of food.
December 11-14 - faux Christmas with Darcy, Tralen and Alex in Idaho.
December 21 - second ultrasound, found out we are having another baby boy!
December 23-28 in Idaho celebrating Christmas with family.
January 2010 - In the midst of my second trimester, feeling pretty good but knowing what is coming. Not really scared, more anxious. I know this year is going to be crazy, but wonderful!
I am a full-time Momma to a very active 3-year-old boy, D-Man and am expecting another boy in May 2010. I am also married to my best friend in the world, Ryno. I live in the Seattle area and love most everything about it but the high home prices, horrible traffic and long distance to my family.
I grew up in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho and moved to Washington when I was 22, I married my high school sweetheart when I was 25 and had a son when I was 29. Sometimes I miss the hot summers and snow in the winter that I knew growing up, but most of the time I am happy right where I am.
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gry w ...
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*11:00 AM*
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